Gia - session 526 - dressage lesson with Suzin

 Today went better than I expected.  Suzin and I explored some options to help get Gia through her tension.  The most successful one was to stretch her down at the walk, and then slowly bring her up to medium walk, flexing her on the stiffer side as I slowly shortened the reins.  The goal was to be able to bring her up with no resistance before moving on to the trot.  I repeated the exercise several times before I was able to get to that goal.  I wanted to make sure it wasn't a fluke, so I asked for two more sets before I asked for the trot.  

It was one of our best trot transitions ever! It was very light, with no resistance, and she went forward willingly.

We moved on to work on some bending, changes of direction, shoulder-in, shoulder-out, and leg yields.  All of that went pretty well.  If she was resistant, I positioned her to break it up.  She did not really feel tense at all.  We also did a little bit of stretchy trot to working trot transitions the same way we did the stretchy walk at the beginning.

Finally, we tackled the elephant in the room.  The canter.

Suzin had me put her in shoulder-in, then circle, then ask for canter.  Once we got a few steps, we came back to the trot, before the canter could get ugly.  The first couple were a tiny bit tense, but by the end, she felt much freer!


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