Gia - session 519 - flatwork at CDP

 I took Gia to CDP today for a lesson.  It's been a while, between her being sick, and the weather, and me being out of town, she hasn't been to CDP in 7 weeks!  We mainly worked on bending and leg yielding at the walk and trot.  Charlie had me keep her poll up to help prevent her from getting on her forehand and being able to buck.  We also worked a lot on haunches-in to canter.  I really had to keep myself aligned, otherwise, she would swing her haunches back out when I asked for the transition.  He also had me only canter a few steps at a time to lessen the chances of her rotating to her forehand and bucking.  As soon as we stopped cantering, we had to get right back to a slower trot with haunches-in.  There were a few bucks, but we also had a few good canters in each direction.


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