Gia - session 516 - lunge over jumps

 I had to keep things kind of brief with Gia today, so I lunged her over a couple of the "scary" jumps in the field - the tires and the small  brick wall.  She stopped at the tires the first time I sent her towards them, after I had warmed her up with some trotting on the lunge.  It took a little bit of coaxing with the whip to get her over them, but once she jumped it, I used the clicker and gave her a treat.  She hesitated on the second approach, but did go over with less prompting.  Again, a click and treat.  After that, she went back and forth over it several times with no problems, each time getting a click and treat.  I did the same thing with the small wall, which she has stopped and/or hesitated at under saddle.  She went over it with no problems at all on the lunge.


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