Gia - session 510 - dressage

 I rode Gia today with no lunging beforehand.  She was fairly good, overall, until we got to the canter.  We started with stretching and bending at the walk.  Then we warmed up at the trot with some stretching, bending, leg yields and transitions.  She was a little tight at times, but loosened up as we got going.  I was working all over the ring, and she was fairly obedient and responsive.  

When I asked for the canter, she got tense and started bucking almost immediately.  I was half expecting this since she had been out of work for a while.  I kept after her to go forward until she quit bucking, and then I relaxed.  We went through the same routine in the opposite direction as well.  The third time around was a bit better, with less bucking, and she relaxed a bit quicker.  By the fourth and fifth time, she had decided it wasn't worth the effort and was fairly good, although a little tense.


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