Gia - Sickness :(

 If you've been wondering why I haven't made any blog posts about Gia lately, it's because she's been very much under the weather.  It all started about a week and a half ago with her not wanting to eat a majority of her food.  We took her temperature and it was around 103*!  That's very high, even for a horse whose temperature is typically anywhere between 100* and 101*.  We had the vet out, but they couldn't really find anything wrong with her, except possibly a hypermotile gut.  The vet took bloodwork and nasal swabs, and we kept monitoring her temperature.  At one point, it got as high as 104.7*!  She received banamine to lower her temperatures, and ulcerguard to protect her tummy.  Meanwhile, she wasn't interested in food, and just seemed generally lethargic.  With temperatures that high, we were also worried about laminitis, so we monitored her feet for heat and higher pulse rates.  Luckily, she never showed any signs of laminitis!  The vet eventually put her on an antibiotic, Tribrissen, or SMZ's, even though they weren't sure what exactly was going on.  As her test results started to come back negative, she wasn't showing any signs of improvement.  

Finally, she started to have closer to normal temperatures this past weekend, and it looked like we were coming out of the woods.  Her final test result came back yesterday, and it was also negative.  So, we don't really know what was wrong with her, but she is definitely feeling better! She has been eating like, well, a horse (ha ha), and she hasn't had a high temperature since Saturday morning.  She has also finished the course of all her meds.  The vet wants her to take it easy the rest of this week, but we should be back to light work on Monday!


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