Gia - session 504 - more tires

 Gia was a bit excited/nervous today.  Something caught her eye in my neighbors yard.  We stared and stared, but us mere humans could not figure out what it was.  But Gia was convinced that it was going to run over and kill her in the cross ties.  So, I didn't expect our ride to go very well today ...

Still I was determined that we would work over the scary tires.  I took her out on the lunge line to go back and forth over the tires.  Each time she went over, I clicked and gave her a treat.  She was definitely anxious about it at first, but it did not take long to get her over it, and after several tries she was going over it much more easily.

So, I decided to hop on and see how things went.  We went directly back to the tires, and there was only a little wavering on approach, but then she went right over.  I proceeded to jump back and forth over it a few times to solidify things.  We also jumped a few other small jumps around the field.  At first she felt a little keyed up still, and thought about bucking a little, but I just stayed quiet and consistent and she changed her mind and decided she was actually having fun with the jumps.  I jumped a few more until the tires were easy, and she felt much more relaxed, then I let her end on that.


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