Gia - session 493 - jumping in field

 I took Gia out to the field today.  Since she was so good last time, I decided to see how she would do without lunging.  After we warmed up with some stretching and bending at the walk, I asked her to trot.  She felt a little tense and quick, so we did a lot of walk trot transitions.  It wasn't long before she felt much more responsive and relaxed.  

We played over most of the small stadium jumps - most of which were crossrails or small verticals.  She felt like she relaxed even more once we started jumping.  She even did a little cantering, and it felt pretty good - no tension and no bucking.

I decided to do a few of the smaller cross country jumps.  Most of them were good, even with a little cantering in between.  There were two that she did not really like - a small brick wall and a small tire jump.  She quickly got over her fear of the brick wall, and we ended up doing it several times.  She did not get over her fear of the tires.  We stopped and checked them out several times, but I was never able to get her over them.  I tried to keep everything very low key and relaxed.  I plan on working on both of those on the lunge line as soon as I can.


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