Gia - session 457 - lunging and flatwork

 It has been a while since I was able to sit on my horse, due to weather and life circumstances, so we started out with some lunging today.  She was actually very good on the lunge line - very relaxed and obedient.  I even asked for several canter transitions.  Although her ears were back, the canter was not bad.

Under saddle, I started with stretching, bending and leg yields at the walk and trot.  Then we moved on to a little haunches in at the walk and trot.  At the trot, once the haunches were in, I asked for slight increases and decreases to the tempo.  With that work, she actually offered some canter transitions herself.  There was still some bucking involved, but it was less dramatic and less frequent.  Since she opened the canter door, I did ask for several canter transitions myself.  It took a few tries, but by the end, I was able to get at least one transition in each direction that did not involve bucking.  Although, tracking right, she failed to get the correct lead.  We can work on that another day.


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