Gia - session 452 - flat work at CDP

 Hayley worked with Gia and I today on our flatwork.  We worked in the dressage arena, and she hadn't been there in a while, so she was a little distracted at first.  We started with bending and leg yielding in each direction at the walk and trot.  We also did some "baby" leg yields, just encouraging her to move off my leg from quarter line to the rail in both directions.  After all that, she was much more focused and relaxed.  

Then we moved on to some canter work.  It took a few attempts to actually get it, but I was probably not pushing as hard as I could have.  It turns out that it wasn't as bad I as I expected.  She did buck and kick out a few times, but I was able to kick her forward and out of it much better.  After the first few, she was picking it up with less resistance, and keeping it longer.  The key is definitely to kick her forward, but that's tough when you know you have to work through the buck to get there!


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