Gia - session 451 - flatwork at the show

 I took Gia to the show at the Carolina Horse Park yesterday to school around.  I was hoping that, if things went well, we would be ready to enter an event the next time around.  Unfortunately, things did not go as well as I had hoped.  

I lunged her first, and that part went as usual - very quick and nervous, but calmed down eventually and focused.

Once tacked up, we headed up to warm up.  That also went as usual - nervous, but went forward eventually.  Once in the ring, she was VERY nervous, and never really settled.  It was a fiasco getting her to a quieter part of the arena, where we wouldn't be too close to other horses.  She practically went after one horse, trying to kick it.  Once I got her (somewhat) alone, she was slightly better, but not much.  We worked a lot at the walk, working on relaxation.  When that was slightly better, we worked a bit at the trot - lots of circles, changes of bend, leg yields, etc.  She never really let go of her tension, although it did subside a little.  She often thought about bucking and kicking out and throwing her hind end this way and that.  It was definitely one of those days that just was not going to get much better no matter how long I rode, so I found a half way decent place to end and went back to the trailer.  

On the plus side, this was the first time that Gia stood quietly at the trailer all day!


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