Gia - session 448 - lunging and flatwork at CDP

 Gia was a bit difficult to get on the trailer yesterday to go to CDP.  She's been giving me a hard time the last few times, but this time was worse.  I did eventually get her on, but it was a struggle.  It occurred to me yesterday, that she may have slight PTSD about being on a trailer.  On the way home from our last event, someone pulled out in front of me and slammed on their brakes, so I had to slam on my brakes and jostle the horses around.  She might still be worried about that.  I will plan on doing some trailer work with her until she is more comfortable again.

Once at CDP, she seemed "normal".  Charlie lunged her, and was quite happy with how she behaved.  She was  a little distracted, but mostly obedient, and not naughty at all.

Under saddle, we warmed up with bending and leg yields at the walk and trot.  When I put her towards a few poles on the ground, she stopped, worried.  I kept my leg on and made sure she didn't step back or get away from it.  After just a minute or two of thinking, she went over it.  She went over all the other poles just fine after that.  Charlie had us work on a serpentine of poles to help get her more supple.  I had to get her to bend almost as I was going over one pole, in order to be ready for the next one.  After several times through, she started to feel much softer and less resistant.

Then he wanted to see how her canter was going.  He had me start with just haunches in, and if we got the canter, great, if not, no big deal.  She was discombobulated at first, and then quickened her trot.  I finally added a "kiss", and she got the idea.  However, she also threw in her customary kick out/buck at the same time.  Charlie had me work on keeping her poll up, sitting way back, and pushing her through it.  It took a while, and several good bucks, but I finally got a decent canter transition in each direction.

When I loaded her up to go home, she got on the trailer just fine with no hesitations.


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