Gia - session 436 - a little flat, a little jumping

 I started Gia out, as usual, with some stretching at the walk.  We worked all over the ring - lots of figures and changes of bend and direction.  We also worked a little on transitions between medium walk and free walk.

When I picked up the trot, she was a bit resistant to my leg, and then resistant to stay soft in my hand.  She felt like she wanted to buck, so I worked on keeping her over flexed to prevent the bucking, as well as to help her soften to my rein aids.

When she felt a bit better, I put her over a few small jumps.  She approached and jumped them well, but then wanted to get heavy in my hands afterward.  I worked on pushing her forward after the jump until she lightened her forehand.  Sometimes she canter off, sometimes she just trotted.  By the end, I was able to get a jump in each direction that didn't feel heavy afterwards.


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