Gia - session 427 - jumping in the field

 Gia was a bit excitable in the crossties for grooming and tacking today, probably due to the much colder temperatures and windy day.  So, I decided to lunge her first, out in the field.  She was actually quite sluggish, and didn't do anything naughty at all on the lunge line.

Under saddle, I warmed her up with a bit of walk and trot throughout the fields.  She was a tiny bit nervous about a plastic bag blowing in the wind, but she didn't really react to it, just looked at it.

She felt good enough that I decided to try her over a few jumps.  I did not struggle with getting her to focus and relax today, but rather with getting her to go forward.  She wasn't naughty about not going forward, just lazy.  (Not a bad problem to have☺).  I was able to get some canter out of her, sometimes after the jumps, sometimes before the jumps.  She jumped everything I put in front of her, except the down bank the first time.  (The second time, she dropped down it perfectly!).  She did take a couple of missteps before jumps, but really only because she was sluggish.  We jumped several of the small, medium and large jumps, including a new one - the bigger log stack.  She had jumped that one on the lung line, but this was our first time riding it.  She could have cared less!


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