Gia - session 421 - dressage with Suzin

 Gia and I started out with a good stretch at the walk today.  I was mainly focusing on keeping an equal feel in both reins, and softening the heavier one.  Same when I went to medium walk and working trot.

We did a lot of work on changing bend and direction, but keeping the equal feel in both reins.  I did a little bit of shoulder-in, as needed to help get her to bend and reach under her body more.  A couple of times, she got "stuck" behind my leg, so I had to kick her forward.  We did get a few canter steps, but it wasn't on purpose.  However, it did feel pretty good.  We even got a few steps of "pirouette", sort of.  It definitely wasn't a true pirouette because the circle was too big, and she was bent in the wrong direction.  But, I did feel her take more weight on her inside hind leg, and even "sit down" a little bit behind!  Unfortunately, it was all over too quickly to get a video.


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