Gia - session 418 - long lining

 I didn't have as much time to work with Gia today as I usually do, so I decided to keep it simple today and just long line her.  I took her out into the dressage arena, where we had more space and less stuff in our way.  I really only had time to get her to work on bending on a circle at the trot in each direction one time.  I did several circles with her in one direction, keeping a consistent connection on the outside line, while I asked her to soften and bend with the inside line.  Once I got her a little better in one direction, I did the same thing the other way.  I could really see her trying to understand what I was asking of her, and really working it out in her mouth.  Long lining always gives me an interesting, and different, perspective on what I'm teaching the horse. 


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