Gia - session 417 - lunging over jumps

 I decided to play with Gia on the lunge line over some of the jumps in the field today.  I started out just lunging her, in the rope halter, and asking her to be obedient and focused on me.

Once she was warmed up, I started pointing her at some of the smaller jumps.  She was very excited to jump today, and really looked like she had figured out what to do with her body to make a good takeoff.  Instead of just launching herself at the jump, she thoughtfully measured the distance on approach, and shortened her stride as needed to take off from a good spot.

After the first few jumps, she started to get a little too eager, and tried to bolt towards the jumps.  I had to make her take a step back and work on waiting for me to tell her to go to the jump.  We circled very near the jump, but she didn't get to approach it until she was being patient and waiting for me, rather than bolting and practicing some "airs above the ground".

After several of the smaller jumps, I decided to try putting her towards some of the bigger ones.  She was a little surprised by the first big one, and stopped in front of it.  She immediately looked at me, like she was sorry, and could she try again.☺  I let her stand in front of it for a minute, to get comfortable with it, and then I let her approach it again (when she was patient).  She sailed right over it!

I worked with her over two of the other larger jumps, and before approaching each of them at the trot or canter, I allowed her to walk up to them to see what was expected of her.  I think she definitely understood what her job was, and I think she had a lot of fun too!  At one point, she got way too excited and tried bolting, rearing, prancing - anything to get me to let her fly over the big jump.  I waited until she was trotting politely, and then she got to have her fun ☺


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