Gia - session 415 - flatwork, and a little canter

 I took Gia out on the trail this morning to warm up.  She was quite nervous out there, especially when we came across ... dun, dun, dun ... POOP!  The poop that was left behind by the previous horse made her stop and run backwards a few steps.  It happened not just once, with the first offensive pile we came across, but a second time as well, later down the trail.  She's definitely a work in progress ...

Back in the safety of the very clean arena, she was very good when I asked for the trot.  I didn't feel any moments of naughty, and she went right to work with a pretty good attitude.  I did a few transitions to be sure, and then mainly worked on her straightness throughout various figures around the arena.

She was feeling really good, and started to hint at the canter herself.  So, I decided to ask, very gently, and see what would happen.  She seemed a little surprised that I asked, but then was willing to go.  I kept the pressure on her very light, and mainly focused on just keeping an even feel in my reins and stirrups, and letting her figure out what to do with her giant body and legs.  I'm thinking that some of her recent attitude may have stemmed from feeling too much pressure to get her body in the correct shape, especially at the canter.  Perhaps she just needs to canter around and sort it out herself, with mild support from me.  We cantered a few times in each direction (and she got all her leads too!).  By the end, I could feel her starting to put some things together, both mentally and physically.  And, she finished with a very frothy mouth - a good sign that she was more relaxed!


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