Gia - session 412 - dressage lesson

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  Gia was ok at the walk, but once we picked up the trot, she started to get a little too reactive and naughty.  We did several walk trot transitions, working on being obedient and not naughty.  After a few transitions, she was doing much better.  She did throw in a little bit of naughty behavior later, but it was quickly corrected. 

Suzin had us work a lot on bending, changing bend, and using shoulder-in to help create a better bend with less resistance.  We also did a little bit of leg yield and shoulder-out, but we primarily focused on the shoulder-in work.  At the end, I stretched her down a little at the trot.  

Once we got through the naughty moments, she was really quite good!  Hopefully, those moments will start to come out less often!


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