Gia - session 411 - a little bit of everything

 I took Gia out on the trail today to warm up.  She was quite nervous, but it has been a while since I've taken her out there.  Unfortunately, I dropped my glasses while out there, and had to get off, and then figure out how to get back on.  There was a spot with a slight bank that I was able to use, but it definitely was not easy!

Back in the arena, I worked on walk/trot transitions and straightness.  She was quite naughty when I asked for the up transitions at first.  Each time she kicked out, I halted and turned her and then asked again.  Eventually, she got the clue that her behavior was unacceptable.  After that, she was pretty good.  

She felt quiet enough after our trot warm up, that I put her over a few small jumps.  She started out not getting the distances very well, but by the end was jumping much better!  She even got most of her leads, although she didn't keep the canter for very long in either direction.


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