Gia - session 409 - more schooling at a show

 I took Gia to the Carolina Horse Park again this weekend to school during the horse show.  

Charlie started out with her, working on lunging her in the rope halter.  He basically just worked on getting her to halt and stand when he asked, and then allowing her to go when he said she could.  She started out VERY anxious and tense, but eventually settled down.

After that, I tacked Gia up and took her back up to the warm up ring.  She was still a bit tense, so I just asked her to bend and leg yield until she finally relaxed and started to focus more on me than on getting back to the trailer.  All we did was walk and trot, but it did get better by the end.  Once she was quieter in the warm up ring, I took her into the open dressage ring and schooled her there a little as well.  She was nervous to walk between the rings and to and from the trailer, but she did fairly well in the rings.


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