Gia - session 398 - more flatwork

 Gia and I had a much better ride today!  I started her out with a lot of stretching at the walk.  As soon as I picked her up to trot, she started to feel tense.  I kept everything very low-key and laid back, and just kept making small corrections with her bending and straightness until she finally softened and relaxed.  Then I brought her back to the walk, and transitioned back to trot.  For some reason, the transition to trot is the hard part for her right now.  I'm not sure exactly why, but she is very resistant, and is acting out as a result of the resistance.  The more I did the transitions and found the softness, the better she got.  I also had to keep our session brief today due to some time constraints, but she did feel a little better with the last transition I asked for - a little less resistant, and a little more relaxed.


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