Gia - session 388 - lesson with Suzin!

 Between Gia getting injured, me taking a vacation, and Suzin having a conflict one week, it's been a while since Gia and I have had a lesson with Suzin, but we finally got back on track today!

We took it fairly easy with her, since she is still not quite back into full work, and since I've been working on her canter from the ground, rather than in the saddle.

We mainly just worked on her frame at the walk and trot, as well as transitions and straightness.  Gia was actually quite good!  She was much steadier than the last time Suzin had seen her go.  I focused on making sure my position was straight.  Suzin had me work on loosening up my thighs and seat, as well as keeping my reins short and hands close to each other and Gia's crest.  Then it was just a matter of little tweaks here and there to keep Gia together.  We did a lot of trot, as well as some walk/trot, trot/halt, rein back, and halt to trot transitions.  She had a lot of really nice moments!


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