Gia - session 375 - long lining

 I decided to work Gia on long lines today to see if I could figure out why she's been so grumpy lately.

She was actually really good!

I started just asking her to move forward, concentrating on keeping her poll up, not letting her drop her head down too low. Anytime she got too low, I would send her more forward.  She wasn't grumpy about going forward at all.  As she got more consistent in her frame, I asked her for a down transition.  Anytime she dropped her poll during the transition,  I would send her forward again, and then ask for the transition again.  Once I got her to the walk, I worked on getting her to the halt.  I repeated the same thing in the other direction.

Once that was all good, I asked her for some turn on the forehand at the walk.  She wasn't grumpy at all about the cue for that either.  She was a little sluggish to respond at first, so we worked on it until her reaction was more prompt.

To finish up, I long lined her at the walk up and down the hills a few times.  She was very wiggly at first, but each time she drifted, I would send her more forward.  Eventually, she was traveling up and down much straighter.


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