Gia - session 374 - a little bit more naughty

 Gia started out with a little better attitude today.  We did a lot of stretching and bending at the walk at first.  However, when I picked her up to the trot, she felt resistant and kicked out a little.  It was only a tiny bit in the beginning, so we continued to warm up with some bending, leg yields and a few transitions.  Then I added a few small jumps.  She was inconsistent with her tempo, and not very straight in the beginning.  As we worked through it, she did get better with both issues by the end.  However, in the middle of working through it, she got a little naughty again.  Definitely not as much as on Wednesday, but a bit more intense.  Since it seems like it's becoming a habit, I had her stop and turn a tight circle, mostly to the right, using my right leg to push her hind end over until she softened and relaxed.  I think I only had to do that two or three times, and then she backed off.  When she went over her last jump, she was more balanced, rhythmic, steadier in the tempo and straighter, so I let her end on that one and took her for a walk in the woods.  She was a little nervous, but not too bad.


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