Gia - session 369 - flat work with an "equiband"

 Today was a flatwork day for Gia.  I used a standing wrap around her hind end while riding to help her become more engage behind.  I opted not to lunge her first today, since she had been mostly fine with it the other day.  She didn't seem bothered by it at all.

We kept it simple today and mainly worked on staying straight, on the long sides, as well as through the turns.  She tends to over bend her body through the turns, and then comes down the long sides crooked.  I used a lot of leg yields, and a little shoulder-in and turn on the haunches to get her shoulder in the correct place, allowing her hind end to follow.  We also did a lot of transitions, concentrating on moving forward into the down transition, rather than just pulling back.  She did give me some pretty nice moments at times!

She was a little fussy and bucky after one walk break.  I think she may have thought I was asking for the canter, and was pissy about that, although we were only still working on the straightness.  She settled down after a few minutes and went back to work though.


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