Gia - session 364 - Suzin and I ride

 Suzin started out on Gia today.  She mainly focused on getting Gia to be softer in her hands, but also equal in both reins.  She also worked on getting her more supple, with lots of changes of bend and direction.

When I hopped on, I pretty much tried to do the same thing.  I was having difficulty, at times, getting her more forward.  My biggest challenge right now, is that I want to hold the reins in one hand and use my whip with my other hand (to back up my leg when Gia doesn't respond).  Although I can use my thumb and first two fingers on my right hand, it doesn't give me enough use of my hand that I can use the whip or hold both reins.  Suzin lent me her whip, which is a bit more flexible than mine, and that helped a lot.  I'm not able to use it on my right side, which is where I really feel I need it, but it's better than nothing.  I just have to remind myself that this is only temporary!


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