Gia - session 358 - Charlie rides Gia!

 I am able to still ride with my broken hand, however, I thought this would be a good opportunity for Charlie to sit on Gia anyway.

He started out with some stretching and leg yielding at the walk.  There was a lot of noise from mowers across the street, so he worked on getting her to pay attention and relax.  

At the trot, he started with the same work.  Then he bumped up the intensity of the lateral work, and had her do haunches-in, shoulder-in, and a lot of leg yield.  He commented that she was nicely responsive and very smooth, and that she didn't feel like a "big" horse.

After her workout with Charlie, she had a much needed session with Cameron.  She was a little sore in her sacro-iliac region, and her poll.  Otherwise, he said she looked pretty good.  He said she traveled much more symmetrically, so we can stop the Theraband pad for now.  He also gave us a new stretch to do with her to help strengthen her hind end.  Ill include a video in the comments.


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