Gia - session 354 - jumping at CDP

 I had a lesson with Gia today at CDP.  I started out with leg yields and circles at the walk and trot.  She felt a little tense, but more because I was using my leg rather than something she was afraid or nervous about.

Charlie had us jump several small jumps in the arena.  We mainly focused on coming in to the jumps with a little slower pace.  I also asked her for haunches right whenever we were tracking right, to help her get the right lead.  I added a slight opening right rein over the jumps, whenever we were supposed to land tracking right as well.  She got several correct leads today!  She also cantered a lot after her jumps, and we worked on staying straight, balanced, and keeping her neck long and out in front of her better, rather than letting it get too tight.

I hauled Gia in my big trailer, but I had removed the last divider to give her more room in the back.  I think she traveled fairly well.  It's hard to say, but she might have had a little too much room, making it hard to keep her balance at times.  I think it might be the best solution for now though.  Meanwhile, I have decided that I am going to have to look for a larger trailer for her ... 


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