Gia - session 352 - more jumping

 I typically don't jump two days in a row, but I didn't feel like Friday's ride went very well, so I wanted a do-over on Saturday.

Gia started out a bit more relaxed on Saturday vs. Friday.  I warmed her up with some stretching at the walk and trot, as well as transitions.  She was a little resistant to transitions at first, but seemed to soften a little quicker than Friday.

I made sure to set ground poles in front of most of the jumps on Saturday, since I think she still needs the help figuring things out.  That seemed to help her relax about the jumping a bit more.  She still got a little tense at times, but I made sure to go back and get her relaxed (with transitions or stretching or leg yield) before jumping again.  She still had a bit of trouble with her leads, and she still wanted to rush a bit after the jumps. I do think it was a little better than how she did on Friday though.


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