Gia - session 351 - jumping

 Despite the rainy forecast, I was able to get a good ride in on Gia today.  We warmed up with some stretching and bending at the walk.  Her first transition to trot was not so good, very resistant, so I worked on getting her to soften during the up transitions.  I also focused a lot today on using more leg than hand in all my cues.

When I started jumping, she was a little all over the place.  I had several jumps set up around the ring to play over, nothing higher than 2'.  She wasn't very straight, and her tempo was inconsistent.  Her attitude also became quite grumpy when we started jumping.

I mainly focused on the flatwork between the jumps - getting her straighter, steadying her tempo, encouraging her not to rush on approach to the jumps.  I also did a little haunches-right to help her with her right lead.  She did get it once, but not the rest of the time.  When she would land too quick and unbalanced, I used a small circle, with my hands up, to help her figure out how to get her balance again.  Towards the end she was starting to come into the jumps better, and seemed to be getting a little more relaxed.  It definitely wasn't her best jumping day though.


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