Gia - session 346 - naughty Gia!

 Gia was a bit out of sorts today.  Since she had felt a little spicy the last couple of rides, I decided to start with some lunging, and I incorporated a jump on the lunge line, since jumping was on today's agenda.  She was super quiet for that, and even a little lazy.

Once I got on, it was a different story though.  She didn't want to stand still, she didn't want to soften, she was swishing her tail, and hopping around on her feet - not quite bucking, but definitely lacking rhythm and relaxation!

I decided to get off and do some in-hand work.  I wanted her to stay on the rail, and flex to the inside.  As she has been in the past, it was very difficult for her tracking right.  She put up quite a fight - pushing against me, trying to back up, trying to go too fast.  I just kept asking her to go forward, and move away from me, and then to flex inside when we got those two things.  Once she settled, and she was more correct in her work, and more obedient, I hopped back on.

Under saddle, I kept it very simple, and just asked for the same things I had asked for in hand.  She didn't fuss or fight with me anymore, and, instead, moved forward into my hands much more softly.  I did put her over a couple of jumps, just to see if that would change anything, and it didn't.  She was super over the jumps!

I did notice that her hind end went out from under her a couple of times while we were working today.  I plan to start adding some exercises to each ride that will help strengthen her stifles - slow work up hills, and slow work over cavaletti.  The change in pace might help her attitude as well.


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