Gia - session 349 - jumping at CDP

 Gia and I had a lesson with Charlie today.  We started with circles and changes of direction, focusing on bending and leg yielding.  She was a little nervous about a new piece of construction, but after a couple times past it, she was much better.  

We popped over a few jumps today as well.  She had a lot of energy (in a good way), so I had to quiet my posting, and concentrate on coming in to the jump with a little less energy.  When I did, she jumped very neatly and quietly over each one!  She cantered off several times, so I worked on keeping her neck up and out and long.  Her canter felt much more balanced today.  She did struggle with landing on her right lead, so I did a lot of haunches right to help her with that, as well as a little bit of leading right rein.  I was able to get her to land correctly once.  Her left lead was really good though!


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