Gia - session 343 - another drill team practice

 I borrowed Gia again for our drill team practice last night.  She was feeling a bit frisky when I got on - not wanting to stand still, and ready to go.  That attitude carried on in to the practice as well.  She was very anxious to go, and didn't want to stay in line or stay at the set tempo.  I'm not sure if she was upset about the horses in front or behind her, or if she was just in a mood.  I'm leaning towards the latter, since she did really well last time, and since she started out excited before I even put her in line.  I mainly focused on maintaining my position and my requests for her to stay in line and with the other horses  After a couple times through our test, she had settled down and was doing much better.  By the end, she felt like she did the last time.  The one nice thing about her extra energy was that she was super responsive whenever I asked her to go forward, and I felt that, if I wanted to, I could have had a really amazing extended trot!


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