Gia - session 342 - jumping in my fields
I took Gia out into my fields today for some cross country jumping. We warmed up with a nice walk and trot around the fields, mainly focusing on stretching, relaxing, and staying straight.
When I started jumping, she got a bit quick, unbalanced and sassy. She also didn't want to land on her right lead when we were turning right. Before each jump to the right, I worked on keeping her haunches to the right. That helped a lot! After each jump, I often had to lift my hands to keep her from getting too far down on her forehand. I also did a lot of circles after the jumps to help her balance herself. I tried to keep from using my hands to slow her down whenever possible, so the circling helped to do that in a less invasive way. I also worked with her up the bank jump. Since there was no down side, that helped her stay more uphill in her balance afterwards. That made a big difference!
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