Gia - session 340 - jumping at CDP

 Gia and I had a lesson with Charlie at CDP today.  I hauled her in the rear of my trailer, and she seemed to do just fine - no kicking and not cramped.  She still kicked out once, when I first started walking her in her shipping boots, but after I yanked on her leadline, she stopped and walked calmly.

Under saddle, we warmed up with the usual - circles, changes of direction, bending and leg yields, all at the walk and trot.  She wasn't fussy about any of that today.  Charlie set up a mini course of two verticals and a square oxer for us to play around.  Each jump had poles on either side to help her figure out where to put her feet.  She was a little awkward at first, but was figuring it out by the end.  Charlie even raised each jump a little bit for us today!  

Whenever she cantered off, we schooled that a bit.  She was a bit fussy at the canter, but it got better by the end.  She was also a bit on her forehand at the canter, so I had to lift her up and ride her out a bit more.  Her balance also got better by the end.


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