Gia - session 332 - various dressage figures and transitions

 Gia and I had a lesson with Suzin today.  We worked with a variety of dressage figures to help get Gia straighter - circles, reverses, inverted reverses, leg yields, shoulder-ins, etc.  Gia was responding really well, and even had a few brilliant moments!

We also did a little work on transitions - walk to trot, trot to halt to trot, trot to halt to rein back to trot, trot to canter.  She gave me the best rein-back yet!  We also did some transitions between collected and lengthened trot.  Gia was super obedient today, and it was just a matter of getting her to stay between my aids.  There were a lot of nice moments when she was right where she was supposed to be!


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