Gia - session 320 - in-hand, rein-back to trot, walk to canter, lengthenings

 Gia and I had a lesson with Suzin today.  We started with some in-hand work, where Suzin helped Gia give a bit more on the right side.  

Under saddle, we started with some changes of bend and direction, which felt very easy and light today.  Then we worked on halt-to-rein-back-to-trot transitions.  Her halts were quite good, square up front, and almost square behind.  Her rein-back was a little sticky at first, but then she started to get the hang of it and started to anticipate.  Anytime she started to rein-back before I asked, I would send her forward again, then come back to halt and try again until she waited for me to ask for the rein-back.  Her trot away from the rein-back was pretty good today.

Next, we played with the walk to canter transitions.  She still wasn't quite getting the promptness of the transition at the beginning.  She kept wanting to trot a few steps before cantering. Each time, I brought her back and tried again.  Eventually, the repetition helped, and she started making the transitions a little quicker.  She still had a little trouble getting her right lead today.

Finally, we went back to the halt-rein-back-trot transitions and added in some trot lengthenings.  She easily went forward for those!  Sometimes, she would move up into the canter (now why couldn't we get that when we asked for it earlier??!!).  When she did, I would bring her back and try again.  One big thing we have to work on is lengthening without rushing.   All in good time ...


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