Gia - session 317 - flatwork, transitions

 Gia and I did a little flatwork yesterday.  We started with a bit of work in hand.  I kept her at a walk, along the rail, and asked for flexion to the inside.  It was fairly easy tracking left, but much harder tracking right.  I was able to get a few moments in each direction twice.

Under saddle, we worked on halt to trot to halt transitions.  I also asked for her to soften after the down transition.  She was much more responsive to that today, and her up transitions were better, as a result.

Then we worked a little on her walk to canter to walk transitions.  Those were still a bit difficult, fairly equally in both directions.  She struggled with responding promptly and correctly to my cue to canter.  Most of the time she would try a few steps of trot first, but I brought her back each time until she moved right into the canter from the walk.  She did not struggle with her leads this time, but she did struggle with staying soft.  I think we got a moment or two of softness in each direction.


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