Gia - session 313 - field work and jumping

 I took Gia out in the field to work today.  We started on the lunge line.  She was a bit sluggish, and did not seem very interested in working.  Possibly because it was a bit hotter and muggier today.  After a bit of trot work, I had her jump over a couple of fences, including the bank and ditch.  She did pretty good with all that.

Under saddle, I started out with a bit of trot to warm up.  She was fairly responsive, maybe a little lazy.  We worked on changes of direction and a bit of leg yield, then I started a little jumping.  

The first few jumps were fairly good, nothing dramatic.  Then, I put her over a very tiny log jump, and she decided to crow hop and think about bucking a little.  When I went back over the jump in the opposite direction, slightly downhill, she wanted to take off a little too fast and turn sharp.  I schooled her back and forth over that jump until she was jumping quieter and straighter.  We did a lot of stopping in a straight line and some circles, when I didn't have her attention.  She was definitely tired by the end!


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