Gia - session 285 - Lots of lateral work!

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started out with a nice stretch at the walk, then some circles and changes of direction to loosen her up at the walk and trot.

The meat of our work today involved a lot of shoulder-in and haunches-in.  The shoulder-in work was fairly easy for Gia today, and at times she even did too much and ended up on four tracks instead of three.

The haunches-in was definitely more difficult, especially tracking left.  We mainly stayed at the walk for this work, but we did get a few steps at the trot.  When tracking right, it was much easier for her to keep the bend to the inside when I asked her to move her haunches in, but to the left, she kept losing the bend.  I had to forget about trying to keep her correctly bent, and just get her to react to my outside leg asking for the haunches to go in.  I did manage to get a couple of steps where she was more correctly bent, by the end.


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