Gia - session 282 - leg yield and haunches-in

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  After warming up with some stretching at the walk, we did a few trot transitions, and then worked on figures at the trot to improve her flexibility.

Once we were warmed up, Suzin had us start with a bunch of lateral work.  I did a lot of leg yields to help set Gia up for the various exercises.  We did some shoulder-fore/shoulder-in work, and it felt a lot easier for Gia today, and she was more responsive with a much more successful reaction.  We also started some work on turn-on-the-haunches, and, eventually, haunches-in.  We tried it on a circle, but Gia ended up being more successful with it on the rail.  It was difficult for her, so she took it slow, but she did give me some good steps at the walk, and several good attempts at the trot.

A few times she also gave me some passage steps that I didn't ask for.  She is most likely giving me these unwanted steps when I get too tense, and try to hard to get whatever other movement I am working on.  In an effort to listen to my horse, I will try to focus more on my relaxation when things get tough or intense.


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