Gia - session 257 - more dressage

 Gia and I had a dressage lesson with Suzin today.  We started out with a stretch down at the walk, and when we were warmed up, we moved on to the working trot.

Suzin had us do a lot of figures around the arena at the trot to get Gia more even in both reins.  She was a little heavier in the right rein and a little lighter in the left rein.  We did a lot of leg yield, changes of direction, and circles.  Eventually, she was more symmetrical.

We also worked on a little bit of shoulder-in at the trot, as well as some softening at the walk and trot.  I asked Gia to flex left and right, trying to get the movement to come mostly from the shoulder, until she was looser.  Once she was looser at the walk, I rode a few transitions.  They were much better than what we started with!  

Next, I worked on loosening her up at the trot.  Once that was better, we did a little bit of canter.  I was able to get several nice transitions into and out of the canter.  It was harder for her to keep the canter for long on the first couple of tries.  However, as she better understood what I was asking her to do, and as she became more balanced, she was able to keep the canter longer, and even respond better to my request to keep the canter.  

At the canter, I tried a few half halts to get her to lift up and out with her shoulders so that she would not be so heavy on the forehand.  They were hard for her, but she was able to give me a few nice moments there as well.  

We finished with a little bit of lengthening work, just so she wasn't anticipating the canter again.  She eagerly and easily lengthened her trot!  I think she really likes it. ☺


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