Gia - session 251 - lunge and flat and small jumps

 Gia and I travelled to CDP for a lesson today.  I lunged her in the jump ring, and she was fairly quiet.  It was a good opportunity for her to work around all the scary stuff without having me in the way.

Under saddle, we worked on a lot of leg yield to keep her busy and prevent her being as distracted.  She was much more focused today!  We also worked over several small jumps.  She was quick and tense the first time over each, but quickly relaxed into her job. 

She picked up the canter after most of the jumps.  It was awkward, not straight, and often on the wrong lead in the beginning.  She wasn't able to carry it for very long either.  But as she relaxed into her work, her canter improved.  She picked up the correct lead after the jump and stayed balanced for longer.

Overall, quite a nice ride!


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