Gia - session 227 - jumping

 Gia was quite tense today.  I'm not really sure why, but it is what it is.  She started before I even walked her into the ring at CDP.  She saw "something" (who knows what), as we were walking into the arena, and slammed on the brakes.  It took her a few hesitant steps to get all the way in.  Each time she took a step forward, I relaxed, patted her and tried again.  When we finally got in the ring, I gave her a treat.  

In the arena, she was very looky at pretty much everything.  I tried not to make a big deal about any of it (definitely a challenge for me).  Each time she spooked, I put her on a circle, asking her to bend away from the direction of the "scary thing" by keeping my outside hand at the withers and using a leading inside hand, as well as a pushing inside leg, to make her body move towards the spooky item.  As soon as she relaxed, I would relax and we would carry on as if nothing had happened.  It took a while, but she finally started to relax a bit.  Anytime I had the opportunity, I would reward her with a treat.  That really seemed to help a lot.  

We worked over several jumps today, culminating in a small course by the end.  She did really well with all the jumps, they weren't a problem at all today.  However, I also rode fairly defensive/supportive by sitting the trot on approach to each jump, closing my leg and keeping my eyes focused ahead of me.  I never felt her hesitate at any jump today, even the scary globe and the even scarier blue block!  

By the end of the ride, she was much more relaxed, and we even cooled out walking next to another horse.  That can be a challenge for a young horse, but she could have cared less.  Maybe Gia can make it on drill team next year ... ☺


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