Gia - session 226 - flatwork and ground poles

 It was quite windy out today, so Gia was a bit tense.  It took a bit longer than usual to get her to stretch down, and I really only got one or two good walk/trot transitions.  We did start with stretching at the walk.  We walked all around the ring, including over some ground poles that were scattered about.  I was really trying to focus on being straight and symmetrical, but she was so tense from the wind, that it didn't seem to make a difference in the beginning.  

Once things were a little better, we worked on the same stuff at the trot.  I had several sets of trot poles set up around the ring.  When she was correct over a single pole - had a steady tempo, was straight and was stretching a little - then we went over two poles.  When those were good, we worked over three poles.  Each time we got a good trip over the poles, I stopped and offered her a treat.  She really needs to build more confidence over obstacles, so I will be adding the treats more often in her work as a reward for anything she does correctly, especially the jumping.  

Finally, we did a little work at the canter in each direction.  It took a while to get her in a correct trot before I asked for the canter.  But the wait was definitely worth it, especially in her hard direction to the right.  When I did finally ask for the canter, the transition was very clean and prompt and correct!  I was actually kind of surprised by how good it was considering I didn't think the walk and trot work was so good today.  At least we ended the ride on a good note!


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