Gia - session 217 - More jumping at CDP

 Gia was a little distracted when I started my warm up at CDP today.  I had to do a lot of stretching and flexing to keep her attention and get her to reach.  Same again when we picked up the trot.  We traveled all around the arena, changing directions, and flexing and stretching.  Charlie said she looked a lot better today though!

Once we were warmed up and I had her focus a bit better, we proceeded to play over several of the jumps.  There was only one stop today, and it might have been my fault.  It was at our nemesis, the red jump.  I thought I felt her start to pull me towards it, and I may have shifted my balance a little too much, which may have changed her mind about the jump.  Regardless, we came around to it again, and got over it just fine, although awkwardly.  The third time was much smoother.  

Charlie had us work a lot on keeping her shoulder more to the left, since it kept wanting to fall out to the right, especially when we were tracking left.  That is very common, and Gia responded to the correction really well.  She even made the correction at the canter!

And speaking of the canter, I didn't ask for the canter, but just played with it if she offered it after a jump.  She got her right lead first thing after her first jump to the right, where usually she struggles with that lead.  She also cantered several laps around the arena without much intervention on my part to keep her going.  I really didn't ask her to keep going at all, I mostly just asked her to stay straight.  She is definitely getting stronger!

Afterwards, she enjoyed a nice warm bath and tail washing.  She really seemed to enjoy the warm water (not a luxury we have at home), since she willingly lifted her tail for me to clean it well!  We also had a nice, uneventful ride home, although she was slightly fussy about her hind shipping boots in the morning.  They stayed on for both trips though!


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