Gia - session 216 - A good day of flatwork despite a sour start.

 Gia was quite grumpy while being groomed this morning.  My best guess is that I'm pretty sure she is in heat, and just feeling generally sullen about being touched.  She also had a slight cut on her left hind leg.  It wasn't serious, but we lunged her just to make sure she was sound.  She looked sound on the lunge, but in the past, sometimes with small cuts like this, she has not felt sound under saddle.  With all that in mind, I decided that I would probably just walk around on her for a little bit and work on stretching down, and maybe try the trot to see how she felt.

She felt fairly "normal" when I started our ride this morning.  I focused on our homework - stretching down and staying flexed.  It wasn't her best work, but it wasn't bad either.  When I asked her for the trot, I expected her to suck back or feel slightly off, but she actually felt really good.  So, we continued to work on our homework at the trot - lots of transitions between the walk and trot, working on stretching down and staying flexed throughout, and working on lowering her crest.  Just like with the walk, the trot work wasn't her best, but it wasn't bad either.  She never felt like she didn't want to work, just like it was a bit difficult (no harder than usual though).

Since all that was fairly good, I also decided to work on haunches-in at the walk and trot, in preparation for the canter.  That was definitely hard for her.  Each time I asked for haunches-in, she wanted to collapse her outside shoulder and fall in.  When that happened, I would leg yield back out on the circle.  I repeated all this until I could ask for haunches-in without her shoulder falling in.  Then I felt her offering the canter on her own.  When I allowed her to make the transition, there was never any bucking or even hints of naughtiness today!  However, as soon as she picked up the canter, her shoulder would fall out, and I had to work to keep it in.  I was eventually able to get a canter in each direction where she managed to maintain the straightness in her body.

We definitely had a better ride today than I anticipated, based on how things started out this morning!  Meanwhile, I am looking in to ways to help make her more comfortable during her "time of the month". ☺


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