Gia - session 214 - Dressage lesson with Suzin - more stretching and flexing and transititions

 Gia and I had a lesson with Suzin again today.  I started out asking Gia to stretch down, and right away she was very obedient about it.  Then Suzin had us work on a lot of transitions into and out of the trot.  When that was good, we also worked on changes of direction.  All of this while Gia had to maintain the stretch and flexion, and lowering of her crest.  That was all going quite well, so she had us work on other figures around the arena - 10 meter circles, half circles, shoulder-fore, shoulder-in, haunches-in, turn-on-the-haunches.  I may have left some out, but Gia put a good effort in to each thing I asked her to do.  Some of it was harder, like the turn-on-the-haunches and shoulder-in, but she definitely tried, and was somewhat successful.  We finished our ride working a little bit on the canter transition.  That was definitely harder for Gia today, but she was able to give me one decent one in each direction.  The main goal was to keep her haunches in while asking for the canter, and that's what Gia struggles with the most right now.  She was definitely a lot more relaxed today than she was for the my last two rides with her.   Hopefully, she was just having a bad couple of days, and we are back to her regular good attitude!


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