Gia - session 210 - more jumping at CDP!

 After a nice warm up, where Gia did a really good job stretching down at the walk and trot, I started pointing her at the small jumps that Charlie had set up for us today.  There were a couple of familiar ones, but also a couple of new ones.  She was much more forward to most of the jumps today.  I even had to slow her down a few times because she was so eager!  However, there were also a few jumps where she flat out stopped.  One in particular was the one with the red blocks (which she has jumped before).  She stopped at that one a few times.  Each time, I kept my leg on and kept her pointed at the jump until she relaxed.  Then I circled back and tried again.  She went over all but one of the jumps the second time.  On the second trip to the red one, something else startled her and she skidded, kicking sand into the plastic box, and scaring herself.  Silly girl!  She went over that one the third time though.  At this point, I'm not really worried that she sometimes stops at jumps, especially if she goes over them eventually.  This stuff is all new to her, and she just needs to build confidence.  And if I've learned anything about Gia since she was born, it's that she needs more time than most to build that confidence, but when she does, she is all in!  

In addition to some new jumps, Gia also had several nice canter moments.  When I felt her slowing down and asked for a little more, in the past she hasn't been able to give it, but today she did!  She gave me two additional canter surges in each direction.  She's definitely getting stronger!

After her ride today, Gia had an appointment with Cameron for a bodywork checkup.  He said that, overall, she was looking really good!  She was a little sore on the left side of her body, possibly from running in the field, and had a couple of sore spots towards her middle back area that we need to massage (eye roll).  She is also traveling a bit straighter, but is slightly haunches right.  So, we need to use the Theraband pad on her right hind leg only, which will shift her weight to the left.  Cameron said that she was the most relaxed he has seen her today, and she really seemed to enjoy her session with him!


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