Gia - session 209 - more flatwork

 I started out asking Gia to stretch down at the walk today.  She wasn't responding as well today as she did last week.  She was not really stretching down, and when she did, it was not very consistent.  Once I finally started getting somewhere with the stretching at the walk, I moved on to the trot.  The trot went about the same as the walk work, and I was only able to get one transition where she (sort of) stayed down in a stretch.  She also felt a bit crooked today, and I was focusing on straightening her as well.  

Suzin happened to be out riding as well, and she observed that maybe I needed to ask more strongly, with more of a leading rein.  Once I did, I started getting better results from Gia with the stretch.  Gia is probably at the point in her training where I can start to ask more of her, especially if it's something she has done before.  Sometimes, it's hard to think of using stronger aids, when I've tried to stay soft since she is so young.  In some areas, I think she can definitely start to take more pressure.  

We ended our ride in medium walk, working on getting a decent halt transition.  She was much more prompt and obedient to that request!


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